Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Five Stories, One Walk

We really blew our teachers away today.  After our radical hand-tied mission we retraced our walk from yesterday, but this time we left our cameras behind and just took a stack of notecards, which we thought was really weird.  Our teachers would stop us along the way, point to buildings or things like cars and ask us questions like, "What do you think is inside this trunk?" and, "What is happening inside this building?".  Some of us started to catch on and came up with our own questions like, "Where do you think that car is going?" and, "How old do you think the Old Spaghetti Factory is?".
When we came back from lunch we worked in pairs and took our notecards and used our answers as the Who, What, When, Where, Why and Hows for our first story.  Everyone was taking this task seriously and our teachers kept saying that we were "collaborating fantastically" with one another.

 See?  Proof!

Now here are our AWESOME stories (pictures coming soon):

Working Hard 
by Izzy and Katy

There was two girls named Izzy and Katy.  Izzy worked as a fashion stylist.  Katy was a Broadway star and dancer.  Both girls were born in the year 1989.  The two girls wanted to merge Tilly’s and Panera Bread.  They both thought it was very hard to build the two together.  Also, they wanted to make a private pool on the top of the building.  So, they started to work.  The two girls worked hard for 3 years.  “We worked hard for 3 years and now our shops are off the hook!” said Izzy.  “Working hard pays off a lot!” said Katy.  The girls yelled together, “We love working hard and getting our dreams!”

20 Monkeys and a Shiny Banana 
by Aiden and Toby

One day, Tom was working at the zoo and had to get 20 monkeys to the Gaslamp District. On his way, he used a bag of shiny bananas to get the monkeys to the Gaslamp. On his way, he had a party with five men at the bar. He passed the Old Spaghetti Factory. Then, he used an underground mine shaft and met a man named Mr. Bubbble-face.  He was eighteen.  In his trunk, he had a skeleton of a baseball player that weighed 156 pounds.  In his hand, he held a bar and in the other, he had a baseball. So when he knew he had found the Gaslamp District, he saw Comicon at the Convention Center. He gave the guy the monkeys and went to Lunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory. THE END.

Billy and the Old Lady 
by Kobe and Jim 

A man named Billy went to the gym for pizza-nacho day (which is ironic). When he is finished, he meets an old lady that is 100,000,000,000,000 years old that works at Pizza Hut. She took him to Pizza Hut and had a fifty pound pizza (How did he do it?).  He finished his pizza and he and the old lady went for a drive. Then, the old lady made an illegal U-Turn. The police pulled her over and looked in her trunk and found a body, knife, and money! So, the lady was arrested and Billy went to MineCon and the Candy Museum.  So, he was happy. (Candy helps everything...right?). 
PS: Please say yes.

Volcrnose Death 
by Zachary and Garrett

It all started in the top of a sky scraper on November 19th 1983, 2:00 PM.  Volcrnose went to his car and he found a DEAD BODY in his backseat.  Volcrnose is 1,000,000 years old. He used time travel in time forward. He wins boxing competitions and wins 1,000 points every time. Once, during a boxing match, he fought a person named Harry. They say he can crunch a car in half with ease. He smelled bad because he pees himself. He likes to go to money management conventions and on Friday nights, he does farting competitions. TO BE CONTINUED….

Dimension Travel is Not My Favorite 
by Anna and Connor

"Why are we in the basement again?", I ask.
"I dunno!" Ryan snaps back.
And what will stop us, I thought.
"Well I don't think that-" *click* 
"uh-oh", then the room went black.

Falling. Endless darkness. Then a glimmer of light, ugh. My brother can get us in sooo much trouble. "Ow! I hit something hard. Where am I? Hello? Ryan?" No response. "Stop messing around…" Still nothing. "Where am I?" Then a voice. A very faint voice, but still audible. 
"You…" is all I heard. It repeated and got closer…more menacing. Then I saw it. A faint body and it grabbed me from my sleeve. "Let go!!!" I screamed, but all the voice said was "I know what happened. I am taking you to help."

Ah, nuts. It all went wrong with the cheese. Too bad that's where it started. "Where am I?" I asked no one. The ground was cheese. Then all hell broke loose. 
Little soldiers rocketed out of army trenches, I had not noticed them before. It took me a few seconds to realize that the soldiers were ferrets and turtles. "For Ferrita!" said a little furry general. A giant sling shot pulled back. Before I knew it, I was hurdling into and landed on…A giant Dorito?… I put my finger onto the ground and into my mouth. "Yep. That's a Dorito." Then I realized something. "Aren't Doritos fragile?" It was too late. The Dorito broke under me and I fell. 

"Okay, we're here," said the lady. "That looks like the-- GET IN," yelled the lady. And here I was in the darkness again. Total confusion. Now, I was stuck in twine. I wriggled out and was in a lab. I was where the machine that got me here was invented so when he wasn't looking I jumped in and I was home. 

Everything was black.
Well, I wonder what's ahead? I
 could see a dark purple mass for ahead. 
Something was waiting for me.


Your Hands are Tied but Your Tongue is not!

This morning we accepted a radical mission from our teachers!  With our hands bound behind our backs (with mostly whimpy knots) we were each asked to select a picture from a group of printed photographs from yesterday's walk.  But it wasn't easy because we couldn't point!  Instead we had to use good descriptions to explain which photograph we wanted.  The ten photographs were then lined up and we built a story one sentence at a time.  We did this three times and each story had new pictures!  With our mission accomplished we were freed of our ties, well, most of them were slipping off anyway- but don't tell our teachers!

Story 1:  A Guy and His Dog

Toby  There were locks on the wall. 
Anna  The person jumps in the water, activates the pressure plate, and then the door opens.  
Zachary  The door outside leads to a very tall building.
Katy  He jumps onto a trolley by the water in order to escape.
Izzy  When he gets out of the trolley, he sees a boxer dog.
Jim  This dog likes pink flowers.
Connor  And that is the last thing he saw before he got sacked in the head by a giant shrimp!
Aiden  His body flew backwards and he knocked two peaches out of a tree.
Kobe  Then, he met another dog, but this time, it was even more adorable!
Garrett  He found his dog and took him home.

Story 2: What Happened that Day

Katy  There was a woman driving her black car
Izzy  and she saw a black dress she really wanted
Garrett  Then, she decided not to buy it and went to an art store
Aiden  And there, she saw magical colored birds
Anna  and these magical colored birds pooped magical colored flowers!
Kobe  She walked outside and saw toxic sludge in the water
Connor  She was running for her life, and she could only see blurry images going by
Jim  And she ran out into a yellow road!
Zach  and further along the track, she hopped into a Porsche.
Toby  She then crashed into a stick and a circle (Connor's adendum: and a car blew up, the end).

Story 3 : Awesome Lamp Post

Aiden  One day, a spy was living in his apartment next to a skyscraper.
Garrett  Then, he saw some plants.
Kobe  He was very suspicious when he was walking around because he saw a woman reading a newspaper with two holes in it.
Jim  But he looked at the awesome lamp post and felt better about things.
Zach  And he saw a very interesting building with very nice architecture and decided to go inside.
Connor  But his adventure wasn't over yet. He was very suspicious. He eventually discovered a secret button behind the Janitor's room hidden behind the building with the balloons in front of it.
Anna  There was a giant tree attacking the awesome lamp post.
Toby  So, he made an arrangement to have the tree cut down. And he lost two teeth in the process.
Izzy  And then he got dizzy, so the trees leaned sideways.
Katy  After he was dizzy, he realized that there are lots of shadows and saw how wonderful the world is!